The Mount Sinai Alumni Network

As an alum, you are part of a community of over 31,000 physicians, scientists, entrepreneurs, and educators who learned and trained at Mount Sinai. If you are a graduate of the MD, PhD, or Master’s programs, or trained in one of our Residency or Fellowship Programs, you are part of our vast Mount Sinai Alumni network. 

Alexis Colvin

Message from Alexis Colvin, MD, MSSM ’02, Senior Associate Dean

Our alumni are the living embodiment of the values and principles we hold dear at Mount Sinai – compassion, innovation, and a dedication to improving the lives of others through medicine and research. Your connection to Mount Sinai does not end at graduation; it's a lifelong bond. 


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Residents & Fellow Trainee Alumni
Master’s, PhD, and Postdoc Alumni

1965 and the Founding of Mount Sinai Medical School

From the Vault

Take a trip back to 1965 as Milton S. Eisenhower chats with Mount Sinai's top minds about the bold vision of starting a medical school. Watch history unfold around the boardroom table with the pioneers who helped shape modern medicine!